For sew amazing projects, news, tips and sew much more!

For sew amazing projects, tips, gossip and much much more!
Ruby Summer........Vintage Inspiration

Friday, 10 August 2012

My meandering mind and sewing superstitions!!! If I could just concentrate on one thing............

me and my Ruby Summer brain waves!
image taken from

 Having worked as an academic for more years than I care to mention, one of the golden rules of research is to stay focused! Well if I hadn't decided to become self employed I would be the naughtiest girl in the class this week! (oooooh)
I was busily researching fab fabrics for handbag construction for a future blog when a strange question popped in to my head - are you meant to put a penny in a purse when you gift one? I am prone to rather random thoughts but as I have been working on some purse designs lately I suppose there was at least some logic here! The answer by the way is YES!
Having satisfied myself on that front the ol' brain waves started meandering again and they got me wondering if there were any actual sewing superstitions ............and there are LOADS!

Have a look at some of the mad stuff,(or shall I call it research?!), I found;
  •  Never start a sewing project on a Friday or you will not finish it. Apparently though it's alright to work on a project you started before Friday!!!!
  •  Never sew on a Sunday .... something to do with stitches and being berated in Heaven. ( So that only leaves Saturday for some safe weekend sewing then, pffffft!)
  • Never gift scissors...... they should be bought by the person you want to have them. Hence the idea that you would give someone a penny in exchange for the bladed gift. (Sounds suspiciously like a ruse to cash in on gift giving to me - ok, call me cynical!)
Have you ever heard of any of these or do you have any others to share?
Seems like our great grannies were pretty busy inventing superstitions! I wonder if they created any about getting out of the housework? Let me just google.................................
Until next week my Rubynistas when I hope we will be looking at different fabrics for our projects........... have a restful weekend and only sew on Saturday because it will probably be raining again by then anyway!!!!!


  1. Gawd !
    never heard of any of those in sewing but they do sound familiar to eating Fish LOL
    but do know of the one to put a coin in a purse when giving one as a gift so the owner is never penniless .
    Thanks for passing by my Blog xxx

  2. Well Sleeping Beauty was a bit of a warning for me to stay away from needles! lol

  3. On the other hand debs prince charming did come to her rescue and they lived happily ever after! Xxxx

  4. On the other hand debs prince charming did come to her rescue and they lived happily ever after! Xxxx
