For sew amazing projects, news, tips and sew much more!

For sew amazing projects, tips, gossip and much much more!
Ruby Summer........Vintage Inspiration

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Sew amazing last minute quick and easy project

Sew ......we are all broke and have suddenly realised we are a couple of christmas pressies short! There is only one thing for it, we are going to have to get creative and quick! If we don't the kids will hate us or great aunt Dorothy will tell the whole family what a selfish old harridan you are!

Having a quick scan around the net I came across a website called Disney Family Fun. It's got some interesting projects etc on it but I thought the one for the blog today was particularly useful.The pattern idea and the pictures below are from DFF

It is a really versatile pattern and can be made in many different shapes and even decorated if you have a couple of spare minutes!

You need:
*Fleece that is eight inches bigger all around than your actual cushion size (using two colours looks good)
* polyester stuffing
* scissors
* paper to draw your template
* chalk

* draw a heart shaped template eight inches bigger than you want your finished item to be. Draw an echo of that heart as per picture below eight inches in. Use your chalk for this
* place your two pieces of fleece wrong sides together
* cut to the inner heart line approximately two inches apart to make your strips around the edge do both pieces whilst placed on top of each other for a lovely even finish
* tie strips together - one back one front to secure your cushion Continue until you have about eight inches left to secure.
* stuff with filling, shape it and shake it about etc, possibly swear a bit as you make it look good!
* complete tying it up and hey presto you have the finished article!

Impressed with yourself? You should be!

I just want to take this chance to wish you a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful 2012. Thank you don't supporting me through a pretty tumultuous 2011 x

The blog will be back in January 2012 with lots of new ideas. If you have any sewing queries drop me a comment and I will answer them in the next chapter of Sew Amazing!

Take care and remember to get yourself some crafting "me time" over the break.
J x

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