For sew amazing projects, news, tips and sew much more!

For sew amazing projects, tips, gossip and much much more!
Ruby Summer........Vintage Inspiration

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Operation feedsack!!!!!!!

Wow!wow!wow! (just realised that reads like a dog barking!!!) Well, I am having a bad hair say do guess I am a bit doggy today!
You know when you suddenly discover something new or surprising that really gets the ol' creative juices flowing? I have made a fab discovery - feedsacks! Yes you read it right FEEDSACKS - bags that were used for shipping foodstuff!!!
Now I always thought a sack was a sack! Rough and hairy smelly hessian.
How wrong was I? Feedsacks came in the most beautiful designs mainly during the thirties and forties. Although they are called feedsacks they were in fact used mostly by flour mills rather than food for animals which is how I imagined them being used.
Manufacturers saw an advertising opportunity with them and hey presto they became a key marketing tool . They were used to make beautiful garments during times of austerity and the pattern making market thrived. Have a look below at some images.
Originals one can be pretty pricey to buy these days but there are some beautiful reproduction versions of the fabrics around. I laid my grubby mitts on some recently. It's so gorj I can't stop stroking it! Oo er missus! A couple of the pieces I got are photographed below.
I am going to use it for a whack ' n' stylee quilt. Can't wait to get going on it.
Have you made any surprising crafty discoveries lately? Let me know .....
'til next week it's feedsacks a go go !
Janie xxxx

Sunday, 1 January 2012

whack and stack and sewing tattoos!

Resolutions moi? Am I that bad I need to make changes?!
Ok ok I expect you are HAPPY NEW YEAR'd out by now but I still hope that 2012 becomes your year! I am definately making it mine...
I have had loads of fun over the last few days working on quilt designs and creating samples. All that sexy fabric- oooooooooooooooooooooooooh! Mind you I look a right berk here! Sat at my screen with a very upright chair, big pillow and hot water bottle against the old back! talk about feeling old!
Have you heard of stack and whack? Ok, I know it sounds a bit on the naughty side but it isn't, honest. Stack and whack will be coming to the blog soon so keep your eyes peeled...............................
For now it's time to go back to the real world and make supper!!!! (noooooooooo why can't I afford a live in cook?!).
Stay safe my lovely sew and sews.
Janie xxxxxxxxx


ps i just loved this sewing tattoo - what do you think?